Miho Dohi / Josh Brand
11.02 – 13.03.2021
LA MAISON DE RENDEZ-VOUS is pleased to announce the two-person exhibition of the American, New York-based artist, Josh Brand and Tokyo-based sculptor, Miho Dohi.
For all their formal differences, the practices of Josh Brand and Miho Dohi have a great deal in common. From their intimacy of scale to their insistence on materials and making, what they both do is marked by the formation of their own abstract and symbolic languages.
At a time when the photographic production of images feels more taken for granted and public than ever, Josh Brand’s peculiarly private way of creating and thinking about photographs is refreshing. Indeed, where most contemporary images seek to communicate or generate some form of desire or envy (for oneself, the good life, things, etc.), Brand’s images all but withdraw into themselves, insisting on their own making, mystery, and hieroglyphic privacy.
Meanwhile Miho Dohi’s sculptures modestly seek to expand the parameters of her medium. Working with a variety of materials, including wood, copper, textiles, vinyl tape, and plaster, as well as others, Dohi’s work is as unafraid to experiment with materials as it is form. Generally of an intimate, human scale, her decidedly sanguine objects are carefully crafted and labored to convey constructions of a totally singular nature.
Together these two unique, if classical positions mutually inform some of the primary stakes of their artistic production: the personal, yet highly sophisticated exploration of their respective mediums and the development of their own formal languages.
This exhibition is a collaboration between Lulu, Mexico City and MISAKO&ROSEN, Tokyo.
Image credits : GRAYSC